Last week I told you we got our official diagnosis. After letting the diagnosis set in, we started trialing new foods on Sunday (the most stressful nerve-wracking process to date). After a ton of research, reading and scouring the FPIES Facebook groups I follow, I found the list of low-risk, moderate risk and high risk foods. I decided to start trialing watermelon. Its one of the fruits on the low-risk list and I figured, I love watermelon, I am sure Kaylee will too.
Sure enough, we gave her a few pieces to play with and just like that, she started putting them in her mouth. Then we heard the sweet sound of success, her biting into the pieces. I was so ecstatic I wanted to cry (I am pretty sure I did on a few occasions during the week). The hard part was done, giving her the food and hoping she eats it. Then we wait. Wait to see if she has a reaction. No vomiting! Yay! Huge sigh of relief from this mama. Then waiting to confirm no chronic reaction (no rashes, diarrhea or any other signs of discomfort), she had some every day (some more than others) and no reaction! We can now safely add watermelon to our safes list!!
Our next fruit on the list is strawberries. We will see how well that will go, fingers crossed!
As always, I will keep you posted !